A small French tannery established in 1803 produces the supple Granada leather for this elegant band. -- The smooth top-grain leather is lightly milled and tumbled to maintain its refined texture. -- What looks like a solid buckle is actually a two-piece magnetic closure that’s delightfully simple to secure. -- Apple also added an inner layer of Vectran weave for strength and stretch resistance. It’s the same material NASA used to make the landing airbags for the Mars Rover spacecraft -- You can match this band with any Apple Watch Series 5 case of the same size -- It also works with all previous versions of Apple Watch, including Apple Watch Series 3 -- The 40mm band works with the 38mm Case; The 44mm band works with the 42mm Case -- Every (PRODUCT)RED purchase brings us a step closer to an aids‑free generation. Please help make a difference
Specifications of Apple Watch Modern Buckle Band (40mm) - (PRODUCT) RED - Large
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