Lots of colorways. -- Endless battery life. -- All day health monitering. -- Garmin epix PRO (g2)20mm QuickFit Flame Red/Graphite Silicone Band -- Stay stylish and sport-ready by swapping out your compatible watch band for a new colour on compatible models -- Simply remove your current watch band and screw on the new band for a comfortable and enhanced fit
Specifications of Garmin Instinct 2X Solar – GPS Smartwatch with Infinite Battery Life in Smartwatch Mode, over 40 Sport Apps & QuickFit Band
Brand |
Garmin |
Model Name |
Garmin Instinct 2X Solar |
Operating System |
Android |
Special Feature |
GPS, Notifications |
Connectivity Technology |
Bluetooth |
Wireless Communication Standard |
Bluetooth |
Built-in GPS |
Shape |
Round |
Screen Size |
42 Millimetres |
Specifications |
[Brand] |
Garmin |
[Model Name] |
Garmin Instinct 2X Solar |
[Operating System] |
Android |
[Special Feature] |
GPS, Notifications |
[Connectivity Technology] |
Bluetooth |
[Wireless Communication Standard ] |
Bluetooth |
[GPS] |
Built-in GPS |
[Shape] |
Round |
[Screen Size] |
42 Millimetres |
Item Reviews